Friday, March 2, 2012


     FRIENDSHIP  Is Something That No One Can Hate..
     FRIENDSHIP  Is A Passion We Can Never Rate..
     FRIENDSHIP  Can Happen Anytime Early OR Late..
     FRIENDSHIP  Is Only Medicine Without Expiry Date..

love you

Every Birth Of My Life Want To Die
In Your Arms Still Love You Only -
Every Moment Thinking Of You...
I love you...♥

Want To Be With You

It’s hard to say no when you really mean yes,
It’s hard to close your eyes when you really want to see,
It’s hard to forget when you really can’t and
the hardest is to go when you really want to stay..

A Friend Is Someone.. When You Need. You Can Find

That You Have A Friend Always There For You..
Is Something I Want You To Keep In Mind..
A Friend Who Will Not Forget You..
Someone, When You Need, You Can Find...

True Frnds Last Forever

A Strong Friendship
Doesn't Need Daily Conversation..
Doesn't Always Need Togetherness..
As Long As The.
Relationship  Lives In The Heart...
True Friends Will Never Apart..

Morning Is Not Only Sunrise

♥ Morning Is Not Only Sunrise,
 But A Beautiful Miracle Of God... 
That Defeats Darkness... 
And Spreads light..
May This Be A Very Beautiful Day For You...♥
Have A Good Day People ...:)

● F.R.I.E.N.D ●

F:  Full Of  Love.
R:  Root Of  Joy.
I:   Island OF Happiness.
E:  End OF Sorrow.
N: Name Of Hope.
D:  Dearest To All