Monday, October 25, 2010


I slept and dreamed that life was beauty..
I woke and found that life was duty..
Was my dream ,then a shadowy lie.....
Life is a long lesson in humility..
A well spent life is the only passport to heaven..
Half my life is full of sorrow, half of joy,still  fresh and new..
One of these lives in a fancy, but the other one is true
He that lives to live for ever, never fears dying....
If i can stop one heart from breaking, i shall not live in vain...
If i can case one life the achiving or cool one pain...
Or help one fainiting robin.. unto his nest again..
I shall not live in vain..
Four thing i think make life worth while .
To love , to hope, to help, to smile..
Life is a burden - dare it
Life is a duty - bear it
Life is a thron crown - wear it..
What matter is not to add year to your life...
But to add life to your years...
Life is like an onion, you peel it off.. one layer at a time and sometimes You weep......
Life and death are worthless.. unless they by for the human soul eternity..
Don't forget untill too late.. that the bussiness of life is not bussiness but living...
Let us endeavour to live.. that when we die.. even the under taken will be sorry....
We undertake our own lifes...we own our selfs..not others..coz we the caretakers....
Man is born to live not to prepare for life....