Wednesday, February 29, 2012

See You Everywhere

*There Is A Piece Of You.
  That's Here With Me.
  Its Everywhere I Go.
  Its Everywhere I See.*

Its Good To Be Alone

♥ Pretty True ♥
" Being alone is really better,
Than Laughing with the people
Who hate you but act
like Loving you"

If Sunsets Then Sunises Too

Every sunset gives us,
One day less to live!
But every sunrise give us,
One day more to hope,
So, hope for the best.
Good Day & Good Luck!

I Care For You Always

I know nothing lasts for ever &
May be we can’t keep in touch always.
But, im glad every time. I open my tagged
I still have you in my friendship list. !
Thank  you for your friendship & for being there always!

Care for the one who shares with u,
Share with the one who knows u,
Know the one who misses u,
Miss the one who well wishes for u,
Wish u all the best