Friday, October 22, 2010

.As we all know. that love happens between to doves,like a cute girl and guy...we tend to make stories....and then just land with being a wonderful qutoes....this how we show intrests...lets just have sum more on it.......we know all abit it cause its like wonderful story in our lifes........:

  • The day you no longer burn with love, manny others will die of cold...
  • Love is loves reward... we are shaped and fashioned by what we love...
  • Love is not blind, it is astonishing how little ones feels poverty when one loves..
  • Love is like the moon, when it does not increase it decreases..
  • Love is the begining, the middle, and the end of everyting..
  • To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of anothers..
  • Love, which is only an eposide in the life of man, its a history of ones life..
  • Love lights more fires than hate extinguishes...